
  • Serpent god (coiled snake), sarpa is the adedevathe of this star,
  • This is the most feared star & it always feel insecurity results very secretive in nature,
  • As the rasi lord moon is not favoured to the star lord budha, negative qualities of the moon will be highlighted  to the native,
  • Native has a good business skills & ability to sense the danger & act in aduvance accordingly,
  • The symbol coiled snake is in the form of a kundali establishes some kind of connection between the native & kundali shakti which connects to the supernatural power once the kundali is activated, such native have a sharp sense of intuition power,
  • Native having a characterstics of sarpa which is two tounged (eradu naalege sarpa, vecharagalu eradu reeti), they think twice, porae (dead skin) kalachuvekeya guna means forget old & accept new things,
  • Another character of sarpa is, it doesn't construct its own house, it occupies the houses built by ant (hutta), in the same way natives living home is not constructed by himself, that  means more contribution towards other family members.
  • Their professional base is mainly influenced by mercury.

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