
7  Punarvasu 
  • Symbol 'bunch of arrows', means desire to acheive goals, sense of safety, & another symbol is house meaning is a sense of safety, comfert, wealth etc..
  • Adedevate aditi, mother of 12 adityas, influence of this makes the native motherly caring & home like safety,
  • Rasi lord mercury influences business & trade where as moon influences love, affection & caring,
  • Native is bounded by moral & spiritual life, simplicity, forgiveness, honesty,
  • Punarvasu meaning good again, wealth again, native get back his wealth again, if it losts earlier like Rama get back his kingdom again,
  • Punarvasu means punar vasati, like the native is changing the living place frequently, living place is not permanent,
  • Punvarsu in kataka is the most strongest part, because it is exhaulted jupiter place,
  • Punvarsu 4th pada native always far from his relatives,  more of his time he leave alone, because 3,4,7,9th houses from moon are debilitation of different Plane.

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