Saturday 28 March 2015



1  Ashiwini 

  • This symbolises "horse head", most fastest animal in the nature, native is very fast in nature, it indicates the begining of any work from this native is very fast.
  • Native always in a hurry & they want quick results, they are not good for some jobs & activities which requires more patience, they change their jobs frequently, ketu plays here. 
  • They cannot mantain the enthusiasm till the end of the work execution, star lord ketu distructs the natives work.
  • Native is look younger than their age & they like to engage in adventerous activities like stunt man, rasi lord kuja supports this activity.
  • Native is very fast & straight forword, this makes their attitude more harsh,
  • Aswini kumaras are the two young brothers & travelling with horses possess the knowledge about medicines & healing science, like the native is interested in medical field & horse related  activities.
  • Because of quickest in nature, they made mistakes frequently, they have not learnt from their mistakes, but to succeed in their life, it must be required to learn from their mistakes,
  • Charlee Chaplin is the native of this star.

2  Bharani
  • Here "yama" rules this star, giving justice to punishing the culprit & rewarding the moral soul, like the native has the same character.
  • Native has a good fighting spirit, creative urge with the  sense of adventurous, example  natives are Kiran Bedi, Shivaji, Bhagath Singh.
  • On the other part, they are soft hearted people who would bend their head at their faults and will forgive others, star lord sukra plays here.
  • If native learned the art of patience, they will succeed in their life.
  • Bharani natives always seeks to dominate over the surroundings which could also led them towards ignoring others.
  • The rular of bharani yama is related to death & after death matters, likewise the native is engaged in the professions like  nurses, coffin makers, funeral management, maintaining birth & death record management, etc..
  • Strong influence of kuja in bharani makes the native more agressive, they doesn't worry about the rise & fall of the happenings & move on persuing with new goal, this is the plus point of the native.
  • Bharani native is straight to their words as they don't fear from expressing their thoughts irrespective of people would agree or not, rasi lord kuja makes them like that.

3  Krittika
  • Adedevate 'agni', the fire god, symbolises knife or sharp edged instrument, this can be used both constructive or destructive purposes, like the native's character depending on the +ve or -ve influence of this star.
  • Star rular sun influences the native more energytic, powerful, independent, straight forword communication, mars influences loud & agressive where as venus influences soft & loving.
  • Kaartikeya, subramanya had a fighting with taarakasura & won, like the native had a good fighting & military force.
  • As vrushaba is a moon exhaulted place, native is a good relationship with mother, she supports maximum,
  • Perfection is the another quality of the native strongly opposes the imperfection in work execution.
  • In kartika maasa, ravi entering agni tatwa rasi, dhanassu, so, here ravi is the ruler.
  • Native has a sharp mind like the symbol of a sharp edged knife.
  • Singer P.B.Srinivas is the native of this star in taurus.

4  Rohini
  • Lord krishna beleived to be a native of this star, this refers to beauty & charming of both body & soul.
  • Star lord moon influences the inner beauty, where as the rasi lord venus influence the outer beauty, this makes the native good artistic nature.
  • Adedevathe 'bramha', the creator god, native has a good  sense of creativity.
  • Vrushaba & pruthvi tatwa relates to agriculture, rohini natives are good at art & science of agriculture (called  krushi taghna),  strong influence of this star are capable of innovating new in agriculteral sector.
  • Professioal fields are modelling, acting, music, painting & the places where lot of patience is required is recomanded professions for the native.
  • Native having a most balanced & emotional mind.
  • Queen victoria is an examlpe of this native.

5  Mrugashira
  • Symbolises 'head of a deer', native having a quality of the deer like shyness, playfullness, romantic, wandering & searching for a new thing, similer way the native is searching for a true self of the soul.
  • Moon is the adedevathe of this star, inconsistency or changebility is the main property of the moon aquired by the native.
  • Native has a wandering & searching character, as he wants to travel more & explore the things.
  • Native is not staying in one path for long period, example same job, living in same place, because of the influence of chandra.
  • Star lord kuja makes the native more arguementative & courage.
  • Venus influences the professions like theatre artist, musicians where as mercury influences banking, trade, shares etc..
  • Parvati is beleived to be a native of this star.

6  Ardra 
  • Adedevathe 'rudra', fierce (angry) form of shiva, destructive & tranrformative aspect of shiva,
  • Symbol : Moist or tear drop  relates to freshness & another one is diamond relates to different faces which is hard & strong,
  • It is a balanced nakshatra in which it balances between intellictual mind (rasi lord mercury) and illusive mind (star lord rahu),
  • Lord shiva adopts the form of rudra only when some change is inevitable for the welfare of mankind, like the native signifies state of change,
  • Like a different faces of diamond, natives profession has a wide range, becz they learn any subject from the root,
  • Albert Einsten, Princes Diana  is the native of ardra star.

7  Punarvasu 
  • Symbol 'bunch of arrows', means desire to acheive goals, sense of safety, & another symbol is house meaning is a sense of safety, comfert, wealth etc..
  • Adedevate aditi, mother of 12 adityas, influence of this makes the native motherly caring & home like safety,
  • Rasi lord mercury influences business & trade where as moon influences love, affection & caring,
  • Native is bounded by moral & spiritual life, simplicity, forgiveness, honesty,
  • Punarvasu meaning good again, wealth again, native get back his wealth again, if it losts earlier like Rama get back his kingdom again,
  • Punarvasu means punar vasati, like the native is changing the living place frequently, living place is not permanent,
  • Punvarsu in kataka is the most strongest part, because it is exhaulted jupiter place,
  • Punvarsu 4th pada native always far from his relatives,  more of his time he leave alone, because 3,4,7,9th houses from moon are debilitation of different Plane.

  • Devaguru bruhaspati nakshtra, & guru uchha in this star, If lagna of a native posited in this star, he is having a fat & tall body.
  • Symbol of this star is  'teat of a cow', meaning to strengthen or nourish or yielding,
  • The day is more aspicious for the begining of new ventures, investments & purchases,
  • The influence of moon over pushya brings some feminine qualities to the native like caring etc,
  • Combined effect of jupiter, saturn, moon makes the native more caring, serving, knowledgeful, gentleness etc,
  • Most commonly found professions for the native is dairy related products, food & drink products, teachers, religious gurus, nurses.

  • Serpent god (coiled snake), sarpa is the adedevathe of this star,
  • This is the most feared star & it always feel insecurity results very secretive in nature,
  • As the rasi lord moon is not favoured to the star lord budha, negative qualities of the moon will be highlighted  to the native,
  • Native has a good business skills & ability to sense the danger & act in aduvance accordingly,
  • The symbol coiled snake is in the form of a kundali establishes some kind of connection between the native & kundali shakti which connects to the supernatural power once the kundali is activated, such native have a sharp sense of intuition power,
  • Native having a characterstics of sarpa which is two tounged (eradu naalege sarpa, vecharagalu eradu reeti), they think twice, porae (dead skin) kalachuvekeya guna means forget old & accept new things,
  • Another character of sarpa is, it doesn't construct its own house, it occupies the houses built by ant (hutta), in the same way natives living home is not constructed by himself, that  means more contribution towards other family members.
  • Their professional base is mainly influenced by mercury.

10  Makha  
  • Ravi pitru kaaraka, shani preta kaaraka, once ravi enters the saturns housr, preta samskara & pitru shanti required, for that maaga snana is the parihaara.
  • Vebeshana, Bheema is the native of this star and pitru devategalu is the adidevate of this star.
  • Maaga maasadalle maaga snana shrestha because of pitru shanti,
  • Maaga maasada saptami yandu rathavereda surya tanna prakarateyannu pratidena hechhecekollutanne, maaga hunnimeya hottege talupuva kumba rasiya stitiye purva palguni.
  • Strong sun's aspect from kumba makes his own rasi   LEO more powerful.

11  Poorva phalguni
  • Adedevathe 'Bagha', one of the 12 adityas, meaning delight means promote enjoyment,  relaxation,
  • Poorva palguni  & uttara palguni are the twin stars & they are associated with first & second phase of relaxation respectively,
  • As the star lord venus & rasi lord sun's enmity, the opposite energies are mixing together & makes the native more dramatic,
  • Agnitatwa rasiyalle bhogakaaraka sukrana  nakshatra, good artistic nature, more shines in entertainment sector, some ex. Shah rukh khan, Steave jabs, James camaron,
  • Strong influence of this star makes the native more relaxed & casual in their approach towords life,
  • If ravi is week in pubba star natives, even they are good artist, no name & fame.
  • Strong aspect of SUN from kumba, makes its own rasi LEO more powerful.

12  Uttara phalguni
  • Adedevathe 'Aryaman',  one of the 12 adityas,
  • The native is very keen on making friends & assign a great value to friends  & friendship,
  • Uttara nakshatra in virgo is under the influence of mercury, with the friendship of both, Budhaaditya yoga works very strongly fot the native,
  • Arjuna is the native of this star, honest & loyal, native always requires one guru like drona and godfather like krishna, till then his talents are hidden,
  • The native is engaged in a professions like holding the position of power & authority in a government sector, Diplomats, Judges, magistrates etc..
  • Uttara palguni is a post palguna maasa period, iė chaitra maasa, here surya is strong & uchha, thats is the reason uttara  nakshtra is ruled by ravi,
  • Uttata aashada is a post aashada period, iė sharavana maasa, here ravi enters his own rasi LEO, so ravi is the rule.

13  Hasta 
  • Adedevathe 'savitar', solar diety promotes the creation of life & arts in verious levels,
  • Savitar is also a playful & joyful diety considered as a promotor for fun, enjoyment, amusement & sports,
  • Due to the influence of diety to the native,  he has a good art of handicraft or where it requires a skilled use of hands,
  • Hasta means a symbol of ditermination & have a good sense of humour,
  • Natives are very well taking care of families because of the influence of moon,
  • Adedevathe surya, adepathi chandra, raasi adepathi budha, kanya stri rashi, even ravi makes the native intelligent, but female related adipathyas makes the native more emotional,
  • Nagetive influence of this star can make the native become fraud, tricky man, good gambler, good skill of playing cards,
  • Jokers in circus, magician, beauty parlour business, palmists, body massage parlours, these are the professions influences hastans,
  • Hasta natives shankaracharya, dharma raya, sathi savithri,
  • When ravi moved from mesha, he entered vrushaba iė chandrana uchha rasi, so chandra is the rular for hastaa nakshtra.

 14  Chitta
  • Adedevathe vishwakarma, the god, the creator, the native has a strong power of creativity,
  • Chitta's profession & creativity  based on the influence of two rashi's of adepati budha & sukra along with star lord kuja,
  • Budha influance on builder where as sukra influances architecture  & star lord kuja's influence makes the native more creative,
  • Native born in kanya-budha have more enmyes because of kuja budha enmy, where as born in tula has got a good balance between mind & body because of libra.

15   Swati 
  • Adedevate vaayu, vishwa vyaapaka tatwa, star lord rahu, resembles the quality of saturn - saying shanivat rahu because of  libra,  rasi of uchha shani place,
  • More influence of vayutatwa makes the native intelligent but the influence of saturn makes them to come up slowly in their life,
  • As swati becoms a sword, once they reach high in their life, more of the natives are spiritual, saint, 
  • Example native is Mahatma Gandhi,
  • Rahu in relation with rasi lord venus makes the native more day dreamers.

16  Vishaka
  • The word 'shaka' from the name vishaka means branches (divide into two),
  • Vishaka promotes the celebration & outword display of money, position & power,
  • Two dieties Indra & Agni -Indragni is the adedevathe of this star, influencing planets are Devaguru and Asura guru (Jupiter & venus),
  • This star is having opposite natured deities & opposite natured ruling planets,
  • Indra is having more inclination towords the negative quality such as drinking, women, sex etc.. influences more of venus than jupiter,
  • As follows the mythical facts about Indra, he always had a fixed goals towords retaining his powers, like the native have strong influence of this star is having a fixed goals rather than means & not much bothered about morals & ethics,
  • Where as the influence of agni brings the positive qualities to native,
  • Native always reached the extremeties in whatever path they choose,
  • Native always  not happy with the decession taken, because of guru and sukra influence in Libra,
  • Scorpio vishakan's are intellegent and emotional and spiritual because of strong navamsha (starlord is exhaulted in navamsha) .

17   Anuradha
  • Adidevathe 'mitra',  dwaadasha form of surya & means friend, by birth itself, they are good friends,
  • Star lord shani in relation with moon makes the native emotional,
  • Because of enmity with resi lord & star lord, they struggle more to acheive their goals,
  • Native has Strong moon because of neecha & baadakaadepati (minus into minus equals plus ) controls emotional feelings & strong desire for the works they wish,
  • Anuradha native is Narendra Modi.

18   Jyestha 
  • Adedevathe indra, meaning elder one, native is  a responsible person in a family or works irrespective of younger or elder,
  • Thay are good managers, more managers at one place does not works, this is the reason trejyestha at a time doesn't give good results,
  • Because of starlord & resilord enmity, native make more philosophical,
  • Knowledge of philosophy for jyestha natives helps more for their managerial work ( chanakya tantra)
  • Most of the philosphers are jyesthans, ex. Philospher J. krishnamurthy.

19   Moola
  • Adedevathe 'niruthi', name meaning root, star lord ketu & rasi lord guru,
  • Niruthi influences moolans effectively, native has strongly opposing enmys, example Native is Anjaneya,
  • Moola natives wants to grow from the root base, like in plants root is not seened, only stem & leaf appears good & bright, only when the root is good, the native is like stem & leaf,
  • They are suitable for R&D type profession & they cannot stay in one job because of starlord ketu,
  • Basically they are materialistic in nature, but guru & ketu make the native spiritual.

20   Poorvashada
  • Adedevathe 'Manmata', native has a smart features of manmata,
  • Poorvashada natives are usually very patient and they can wait for long periods of time in order to witness favourable results or in order to achieve their goals,
  • This star is excatly opposite to rudra(aridra), follows kaamdahana story, native's partner has high possessiveness about him,
  • Natives profession depending on the above planet whichever is strong,
  • In general, the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra have a strong will power which makes them mentally invincible and as a result they are not bothered much by the failures and setbacks that come in their way and they are very much determined to achieve their objectives and goals.
  • Poorvaashada is a mixing of two intellectual planets  guru & venus, guru is a spititual advisor where as venus is a political advisor,
  • Poorvashada natives has a strong will power to do any work that they strongly beleive, this character is based on manmata's willing to disturb shiva, 
  • Example native is Osho Rajaneesh.

21   Uttarashada
  • Adedevate vishvadevatha, they are 10 no.s as per rugveda, all the good characteristic of vishvadevas are highlighted to the native through sun, so strong sun reflects the good qualities to the native,
  • Rasi lord saturn makes the native more descipline & accurate execution of work compare to saggterious uttarashada native,
  • UttaraShada : adepathi surya, surya entering uttarayana in this star only, native born in this star with pada 2 is vargottama navamsha is good at management & administration,
  • Uttatahada & poorvaashada s are the pair of stars which has some similer characteristics, both stars have strong desire to execute the work as they beleive in,
  • Like the sun give light to all, the same way the native serve good to others.
  • Tusk (danta) of an elephant is the symbol of this star, strong sun gives the value of the tusk to the native.

  • Means victorious, it is a king of all nakshatras &  this is the only male star, as all other stars are female (wifes of chandra),
  • Importance of Abhijith: In Geeta, Lord Krishna had said that He is Shiva among Rudras, He is Arjun among Pandavas and He is Abhijit among Nakshatras.
  • Abhijit is posited in uttarashada 4th pada & upto one degree in shravana star, this is an aspicious star & this muhurtha is used for aspicious work at 12 noon & extended between 28 min this side & that side,
  • Native born in this star is heighly learned & fame, they live like a king, respected by society,
  • Abhijit lagna is not suitable for travelling towords south.

22   Shravana
  • Meaning listening,  native is a good listener, this property makes the native sound knowledgeble,
  • Adedevate vishnu, followed the mythical story bali-vaamana, vishwavyapaka tatwa, like vaamana, native is an opportunist & have a lot of patience to wait to destroy enmies effectively,
  • Scorpion native is more practical because of saturn house in prutvi tatwa rasi,
  • Nagetive effect of star makes the native more arrogent,
  • Shravana native is shravana kumara(ramayana), Superstar Rajanikanth.

23  Dhanista 
  • Means wealtiest, the native of this star is more  wealthy & lead a happy life,
  • Dhanista falls in capricorn natives has a profession of police, army, security because of the strong influence of exhalted mars house,
  • Adedevathe : vasu's, asthavasugalu, they are the group of god representing some good characters like excellence, safety, wealth etc. native is blussed by all of them resulting good administration & professional skills,
  • Dhanista relates the instrumental music like damaruga holds shiva, flute holds krishna, these are dummies inside, these are creating something from nothing like this natives is capable of creating something from nothing,
  • Where as the native of aquarious dhanista had a good proficiancy in business field & had a spititual mind,
  • Dhanista falls in capricorn natives has a profession of police, army, security because of the strong influence of exhalted mars house,
  • Dhanista native is Abhram Lincon.

24  Satabhisha 
  • Symbolises 100 stars enclosed in a circle & circle represents a boundry, means native has a proper binding for doing any work,
  • Another characteristics of this native is hiding from others, called to be a secretive star,
  • Swamy vivakananda is the satabhisha native,
  • Circle represents the sense of completion means when it starts at one point, it always completes to form a circle like the native has a strong sense to complete the work that he has started,
  • Rasi lord kumba is a round mud pot, nobody can predict what is their inside, star lord rahu creates more illusion about this, like the native has hidden knowledge that helps more to come up in his life,
  • Adedevathe varuna, represents water bodies especially large like sea, as the sea is hiding so many things inside( medicines & herbs) like the native's  hidden knowledge increases the interest about medicines & ayurveda.

25   Poorvabaadrapada 
  • Destructive form of god (rudra ) is the adedevathe, symbolises two faced man facing opposite to each other, smart face on one side & the devil face on another side, native has a good art of changing the face easily as per the circumstances,
  • Guru, the star lord, the most benefic planet causes districivity is exlamatery !!!  The reason is this star is seen as a purification process by means of Rudra bring changes for the servival of the universe,
  • The native of the star linked with aquarious is spiritual, meditative, punctual,hard working nature,
  • By looking itself, poorvabaadrapada is a nagetive star, but it is very much capable of working positively,
  • Ramakrishna paramahamsa is the native of pb star,
  • Poorvabaadrapada is before baadrapada maasa, ie shravana maasa, in this maasa ravi is in leo & aspecting pb star, the star is naming for this reason,
  • People like sadhus, they are worshiping god,  & thay panish thamselves comes under pisces poorvabaadra natives,
  • Another symbol of this star is drum, in asian times this is used to communicate the message to the public, like the native is a good communicator & will reach the message effectively,

26  Uttatabaadrapada 
  • Ahirbudhanya (constructive form of rudra ) is the adedevate, native has a dominating personality of walking in a right path only,
  • Another symbol of this star is legs of funeral cot of a bed, front 2 leg  is related to pb & back 2 leg relates ub star,  this indicates the super natural connection for both stars,
  • Native is a more descipline & self controlled behaviour because of star lord saturn,
  • Knowledge based with added spirituality, where the hardwork & descipline is required, ub native occupied that profession, ex judge, Professor, yoga instructor etc,
  • Coiled serpent in the form of kundini  is the symbol of this star & it is a powerful energy laying at the base of the spine, a native under the strong influence of ub star are in connection with supernatural powers,
  • They can't hert anybody, kind & generasity to the core, equal relatipnship with high & low people, the only nagetive char is loosing his temper for the unwise things & suddenly returned to normal.

27  Revati
  • This natives are  not only cultured & civilised, thay will acts as a pillers for cultured & civilised society, because of benefic planets,
  • Star lord mercury make the native effective communicator & rasi lord jupiter increases the clarity in communication skills,
  • Native has a good power of imagination that helps to speak & sometimes good writers also,
  • Because of good communication skill, entry level of their carrier  is very good, like the fish swims in a sea, as there is no end, the native finds much difficulty to reach the destiny,
  • As the fish flowing in water, this is very happy, like the native is blessed by wealth & happyness,
  • Abimanyu is the native of this star, he entered chakravyuha successfully, but he failed to reach the destination,
  • The symbol of  Revati is fish flowing in a water, this will synchronise with the symbol of meena rashi, two fishes swimming in opposite direction, star symbol represents a soul is searching for its path,
  • Revati natives have the knack of appreciating both sides of coins and will always have positive side of the coin to show to the people,
  • Adedevate pushan, he is one of the 12 adityas, meaning is promote prosparity,
  • Influence of aquarious & saturn makes the native good administrator, more practicle & have more patience.

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