
20   Poorvashada
  • Adedevathe 'Manmata', native has a smart features of manmata,
  • Poorvashada natives are usually very patient and they can wait for long periods of time in order to witness favourable results or in order to achieve their goals,
  • This star is excatly opposite to rudra(aridra), follows kaamdahana story, native's partner has high possessiveness about him,
  • Natives profession depending on the above planet whichever is strong,
  • In general, the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra have a strong will power which makes them mentally invincible and as a result they are not bothered much by the failures and setbacks that come in their way and they are very much determined to achieve their objectives and goals.
  • Poorvaashada is a mixing of two intellectual planets  guru & venus, guru is a spititual advisor where as venus is a political advisor,
  • Poorvashada natives has a strong will power to do any work that they strongly beleive, this character is based on manmata's willing to disturb shiva, 
  • Example native is Osho Rajaneesh.

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