
26  Uttatabaadrapada 
  • Ahirbudhanya (constructive form of rudra ) is the adedevate, native has a dominating personality of walking in a right path only,
  • Another symbol of this star is legs of funeral cot of a bed, front 2 leg  is related to pb & back 2 leg relates ub star,  this indicates the super natural connection for both stars,
  • Native is a more descipline & self controlled behaviour because of star lord saturn,
  • Knowledge based with added spirituality, where the hardwork & descipline is required, ub native occupied that profession, ex judge, Professor, yoga instructor etc,
  • Coiled serpent in the form of kundini  is the symbol of this star & it is a powerful energy laying at the base of the spine, a native under the strong influence of ub star are in connection with supernatural powers,
  • They can't hert anybody, kind & generasity to the core, equal relatipnship with high & low people, the only nagetive char is loosing his temper for the unwise things & suddenly returned to normal.

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