
23  Dhanista 
  • Means wealtiest, the native of this star is more  wealthy & lead a happy life,
  • Dhanista falls in capricorn natives has a profession of police, army, security because of the strong influence of exhalted mars house,
  • Adedevathe : vasu's, asthavasugalu, they are the group of god representing some good characters like excellence, safety, wealth etc. native is blussed by all of them resulting good administration & professional skills,
  • Dhanista relates the instrumental music like damaruga holds shiva, flute holds krishna, these are dummies inside, these are creating something from nothing like this natives is capable of creating something from nothing,
  • Where as the native of aquarious dhanista had a good proficiancy in business field & had a spititual mind,
  • Dhanista falls in capricorn natives has a profession of police, army, security because of the strong influence of exhalted mars house,
  • Dhanista native is Abhram Lincon.

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