
5  Mrugashira
  • Symbolises 'head of a deer', native having a quality of the deer like shyness, playfullness, romantic, wandering & searching for a new thing, similer way the native is searching for a true self of the soul,
  • Moon is the adedevathe of this star, inconsistency or changebility is the main property of the moon aquired by the native,
  • Native has a wandering & searching character, as he wants to travel more & explore the things,
  • Native is not staying in one path for long period, example same job, living in same place, because of the influence of chandra,
  • Star lord kuja makes the native more arguementative & courage,
  • Venus influences the professions like theatre artist, musicians where as mercury influences banking, trade, shares etc..
  • Parvati is beleived to be a native of this star.

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