
24  Satabhisha 
  • Symbolises 100 stars enclosed in a circle & circle represents a boundry, means native has a proper binding for doing any work,
  • Another characteristics of this native is hiding from others, called to be a secretive star,
  • Swamy vivakananda is the satabhisha native,
  • Circle represents the sense of completion means when it starts at one point, it always completes to form a circle like the native has a strong sense to complete the work that he has started,
  • Rasi lord kumba is a round mud pot, nobody can predict what is their inside, star lord rahu creates more illusion about this, like the native has hidden knowledge that helps more to come up in his life,
  • Adedevathe varuna, represents water bodies especially large like sea, as the sea is hiding so many things inside( medicines & herbs) like the native's  hidden knowledge increases the interest about medicines & ayurveda.

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